BHCH #4 (and a little announcement!)

Click your heels! There is beauty in the world 🙂


We’ve been pondering how to deal with a serious eyesore in our home. The basement floor. The concrete slab that runs through the laundry and craft room is pitted, uneven, cracked and seriously stained. The temporary solution was to cover it up with throw rugs and forget about it. But, we want to make the most of our space! We want to build in some new, floor to ceiling storage in the laundry room and it would be nice to even out the washing machine and dryer. Right now, the washer sits on an angle because the floor beneath it is so uneven. UGH. Double UGH. We’ve been mulling ways to level it out and brighten it up.

In this Brainy post – Karen at The Art of Doing Stuff goes into great detail on how to level a concrete floor. She is honest and even has great pictures of her barefoot in wet concrete. Love it.

Courtesy; The Art of Doing Things


Heart this week goes to Amy from The Blissful Bee who managed to come up with a super cool way to display her own doodles. In university, I was a doodle monster. Do you doodle? Anyway, I just love how she incorporated her own inner creativity into different shapes and hung them up! I might have to try this. Definitely a heart.

Courtesy: The Blissful Bee


This weeks’ Courage goes to my pal Shaun Proulx. I have said it many times before, but I’ll say it again. I met Shaun when I was down and out. In a nutshell, I’d just been ‘let go’ from a job I thought I loved, forced to move back in with my parents, in a toxic relationship and broke. I only worked in his vicinity for a matter of weeks – but the impression he has left on me is indelible. I absolutely love what he has written in his latest blog post. I encourage you to read it and to sift through the rest of Shaun’s story. If it doesn’t leave you feeling more belief in the power of attraction and positivity, I don’t know what will. 🙂 Courage. Lots of well-placed courage, my love. 



This week’s Home actually might be something that ends up in your home! It’s a bit of an exciting announcement actually. Recently, I’ve teamed up with Jordan Hipson – who has launched the new magazine called Playbook! I will have a DIY feature in each quarterly edition and today the first one comes out! Super smiles (and a few butterflies. It’s one thing to be on tv every night anchoring the news. It’s another to have your hobby and passion on display in print. It just feels different than having it on the blog… I don’t know why.) This time, Jordan chose to feature our geometric wall tutorial 🙂


Anyway, if you’re in the area, you’ll be able to pick up a Playbook at a myriad of locations around HRM and throughout New Brunswick and PEI. Otherwise, you can find out more about Jordan and his impressive resume on his website. He’s just a cool cat who’s using his passion to make the world more beautiful and I love that.

Hope you’ve had a blissful week 🙂


PS. From now on, Dan and I are going to trade off weeks of BHCH! He’ll take the ‘even’ numbers and I’ll take the ‘odd’ 🙂 So watch for his first Brains, Heart, Courage, Home in two Fridays!!

PPS. Do you like the new blog banner? That collage of photos up at the top of the page? I’m not so sure about it… hmmm… It is a bit of a hint about a new art project tutorial coming up the first week of April though!! (OMG, APRIL, you guys!!)

PPPS. If you haven’t gone over to our Facebook page and clicked ‘like’, you should! We post updates and links to other cool things we see throughout the week on our page – plus we love to have another way to chat with everyone 🙂

What do you think? Let us know! Comments are the best :)