Storage Solution: DIY Bed Risers

I have been saving this post for a rainy day – it’s supposed to rain today 🙂 I mentioned a while back when we did our little tutorial on our under the bed rolling storage crates that we created our own bed risers.

At the time, I didn’t actually fully explain how we did it or tell you how much it saved us 🙂 So here’s a quick tutorial on how to raise your bed, whatever height you want, for a fraction of the cost of buying those tacky plastic bed risers!

Materials you need:

  • A decent length of 4×4 fence post (Ours was 2 feet long)
  • A hand saw (or a table saw, but we don’t have one of those)
  • A drill with a large bit
  • Decorative paper or fabric
  • Mod Podge or glue

Step One: Determine how high your risers will be. We cut ours to 6 inches each. Basically, sliced our 2 foot post into four equal parts. Make sure at least one end is as flat as you can get it because then it will sit better on the floor.

Step Two: Using your large drill bit, make a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch (or deeper if you really want) indent in the top of the wood.

Bed Risers 1 Continue reading